♥ السلام عليكم ♥
.. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hoho, first time Lia kena tag. Metaceh Maryam. Sebelum ni, Lia pernah dah 3/4 orang tag Lia untuk satu permainan yang lebih kurang macam Liebster Award ni jugak, tapi Lia dah tak ingat siapa yang tag Lia, memandangkan ianya game tahun lepas. haha. Lama dah kot. So, rasa seronok bila permainan yang sebegini datang kembali. ecececcehh.. Rasa macam kena interview je :B hahahahahah. okay, so let's get started !
Rules : Official Rules Liebster Award
● Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog
● Answer the question asked
● Nominated 11 other blogger with a smaller following but with a lots of potential
● Create 11 of your own question for them to answer
● Notify your nominate
1. Do you act like an insane person with your friends?
Yes, of course I do lol. Erm, bergantung pada mood Lia lah. Kalau Lia rasa masa tu mood insane tu ada, Lia akan meng'insane'kan diri Lia, but kalau Lia tengah badmood, memang taklah :b haha
2. What is your favorite colour? Why?
My favourite colour is PURPLE! Yeayyy! I don't know why.. Kan orang kata "Bila kita dah suka satu benda ni, kita takkan dapat explain kenapa kita suka." Bukan suka, cinta sebenarnya. So, I don't have any answer for this question because, I'm in love with PURPLE. hehehe. *awkward*
3. What is your most thing that your fear?
Ermm, okay, the thing that I was most afraid is Allah SWT {of course}, the day of judgement {kiamat}, and death. Actually, they were the most things that all muslims fear of, each person will die when that day comes. So, we, as Muslims, need to prepare before we are judged by God to do more worship and good deeds. Also, do not forget to "Repentance" so, yeahh. Those are the things that I fear most. And I am pretty sure, that youuuuu {my readers} fear of them too right ??
4. Do you like prefer to wear 'tudung bawal' or a shawl? Why?
Well, I like fashion and hijab. But, I prefer to wear shawl than tudung bawal. Actually, pashmina lagi Lia suka. Because, tudung bawal is so so so jarang. Bila dah jarang tu, it's not classified as "tutup aurat" , right girls? So, I prefer pashmina . Ohya, I also love to wear jilbab, but I am too too too lazy to iron it. But, I still love to wear jilbab. lol. Actually tak kisah mana pun nak pakai apa, janji tutup aurat. Pakai kotak pun takpe. haha *lawak hambarrrr*
5. Describe 5 about your blog.
first, my blog is cute . banggg *kene tembokkk :p* eh eh, kidding. My blog is "sejuk mata memandang" gitchewww. hahhaha.
second, my blog is purple! yeayyy!
third, I love to share something that I think important, some of my life stories, tutorial and freebies and some tips. Also, to join giveaway. Soo, you can call my blog as blog "rojak keling" hahahaha :b
fourth, I decorate this blog by myself with the help of some other blogger's tutorials.and fifth, my blog is not so serabut. The important things je yang ada kan? So, my blog tak berat sangat.
6. When do you start blogging?
I'm not so sure when did I start blogging, but I think, about 3 years ago maybe? Masa Lia umur 10 tahun aka standard 4. Tapi, time tu Lia tak aktif pun. Lia start aktif darjah 5 akhir tahun sampai darjah 6. Masa UPSR pun Lia buka. Nampak tak betapa Lia addicted dengan blog ? >< Nanti,, Lia cerita lebih detail kalau Lia rajin buat entri la :3
7. What do you do/want to do after SPM?
Herm,, *usap janggut* Rasanyaaaa, Lia nak kerja dengan abah Lia.. Mungkin jadi designer dekat office abah Lia? Or, apa2 je.. Asal ada kerja, so taklah buang masa sangat sementara tunggu result SPM Lia yang kebabom tu keluar *amin* haha
8. What do you do if you win a lottery?
Nak pergi Mekahhhhhhhh and shopping bebanyak. wahahaha *evil laugh* {food, clothes, gadgets}
9. There are two boxes in front you. The first one is small and the other is big. Which box do you open first? Why?
I will open the big one first. I don't know why.. But, I think there will be something special in the big box :D
10. How do you cover your fault or shame?
Haha, ni lawak. Lia akan buat "cool face" or kalau Lia terkejut sampai tergolek, Lia akan terus golek golek golek, sampai sipembuat Lia terkejut tu bla. bhahahaha :P
11. Do you a 'novel ghost' like me ?? XD
So, ni dia list orang yang Lia nak tag~ I pick the links randomly from my cbox :)
So, ni soalannya :)
So, that's all for today. phewww~ lenguh badan duk mengadap laptop ni je :b So, yang mana Lia tag tuuu,. dah siap buat entri nanti, bagitau dekat cbox lia eh! nak bace~
Yes, of course I am !!! HAHA, ni tanya niii, nak belanja Lia novel ke? hm cik lisa? hahaha.. Lia suka novel cinta , penyiasatan, pembunuhan, hantu~ hiiiiiiiii*bunyi hantu* , puisi and many more~!So, tu jelah.. amboihhh, panjang bebeno Lia jawab yerrr... Ni,, sampai lenguh tengkuk Lia asyik menaip ni . hmp. So, harap-harap cikyam berpuas hati dengan jawapan cikya ni yaaa. hahaha. and and and, please ignore my broken english or grammatical error. I'm still learning . Bukannya pro :) Atleast I try. hahahaha.. And, bukan semua Lia guna english kan? :P
So, ni dia list orang yang Lia nak tag~ I pick the links randomly from my cbox :)
So, ni soalannya :)
1- Siapa idol korang ? And why korang adore your idol ??
2- Korang rapat dengan abah atau ummi korang? :3
3- Kalau korang sesat dalam hutan, apa korang akan buat? Masa tu, your gadget semua takda. Habis battery. Your powebank pulak, anggaplah Lia dah "ngap". haha
4- Apa tanggapan korang dekat orang yang pakai niqab ?
5- Hobi korang apa ? And, apa benefit yang korang rasa korang boleh dapat daripada hobi korang tu ?
6- Apa your first impression tentang blog Lia ?
7- Adakah korang suka tengok cerita seram? why ? {hantu, bunuh-bunuh lol}
8- Korang lefthanded / righthanded ?
9- Korang suka tidur dalam air-cond tak ? why ?
10- Korang rasa duit ni penting tak ?
11- Brape result UPSR korang? hahahaha {kalau tanya pmr, ade yang tak exam lagi , spm lagilah :b}
So, that's all for today. phewww~ lenguh badan duk mengadap laptop ni je :b So, yang mana Lia tag tuuu,. dah siap buat entri nanti, bagitau dekat cbox lia eh! nak bace~
So, till then, assalamualaikum, xoxo
akak teringin nk pakai shawl tpi belum reti lagi. selalu pakai bawal bidang 50 je T__T lagipun shawl tkyah gosok
ReplyDeleteHaha tkpe akak. Akak boleh tgk tutorial dkt youtubeeeee. Bawal bidang 50 pon okey. LAbuh! Hihi.. Lia ada satu shawl ni mmg kene gosok sbb kalau lipat, dia akn brkedut seribu! Hahaha
Deletemirah suke jawapan lia! best ^_^
ReplyDeleteHaha. Yeke? Terimakasih ^^
Deleteyolee. haha//
Deletewah bestnya kena tag >_< Alan tak pernah ditag lagi...hehehehehe
ReplyDeleteHaha. Tkpe, nanti bila2 ade rezeki, adanya oraag tag Alan. Hehe. Lia ni pun bestfriend Lia yang tag ^,^
Deletehebattlah lia...lia tag akak?? tq2..nanti senang akak join ye? gudluck lia =)
ReplyDeleteAik? Hebat? Apa yang hebatnya?? Hehe. Okayyy, taksabar nak baca entri akak :D ty!
Deletepakai tudung sarung je :D sbb rasa slamat (even labuh) ahaha XDD pnah try pashmina tapi tak biasa sgt.. maybe time tmuduga pakai kowt? ahahaha XDD
ReplyDeleteorg cakap sapa yg suka purple maksudnya dia tuh romantik.. :D
wow Lia nampak matang lew.. TT^TT I'm jealous with ya.. umur dah 20 ke atas tapi hurmmmhampeh prangaimcm budak2 cakap pun mcm budak2 adehhh
Haaa lupa nak tulis! Lia pun suka pakai tudung sarung ala-ala ustajah ba'iyah tu. Hehe. Pkai mse temuduga? Wiiii, mesti akak konfiden kan? Haha! Romantik? :o nahhh, Lia masih muda. Hihi.
DeleteAlaaa kenapa ramai sangat orang cakap yang Lia ni matang?? ;( Lia budak kecik lagiiii. Haha tkpela kak, orang yang nampak mcm budak2 ni in shaa allah dia awet muda and cute!!! Hahaaa
thanks tag kita dengan jayanya..ehhe
ReplyDeletetapi tak dapat nak jawab soalan2 tu la..sorry ya..! kesibukan.. :)
Hehe. Welcome kak :) ohk, tkpeee. Nanti lia tmbh sorang lagi blogger sebagai pengganti akak untuk jawab soklan tu hehe
Deleteamboii amboii. ingat senang ke cik yam ni nak belanje cik ya ni? ongkos nya mana? blh je belanja, duit cik lia sponsor. hekhek~~ btw, thanks jawab soalan ngarut ambe tu :3
ReplyDeleteEhek ehek. Haruslah... kita kan bestpreng, so blanjelahhhh. Ongkos? What's tht? MCM ornh dgr, tp dokthula mndeee. :3 amboi amboi... kaou sy sponsor, doklah nmenye awk blnje haha. Ohya, no problem , best ler jwb soklan tu xD
DeletePrnh* kalu* ergh typo :3
DeleteWah suka novel hantu jugak? yeah kita sama!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBtw, suka baca jawapan ni. Daebak nohh (y) (y)
Yerp, sy suke! Tpi seghammmm. Hha :3
Deleteehek, ty ty! ;D
stopped on Friday afternoon after a long time not been
ReplyDeleteHai. Awk ditag utk join giveaway ni http://farahanaramlan.blogspot.com/2014/07/jom-join-fantastic-giveaway-by-fr.html .. Harap awk dapat join giveaway ni. Terima kasih